Toolkit 8 – Leadership and culture
Whether it’s creating a strategy which has backing and input from your senior management teams (and other senior leaders), to creating a culture where your teams are unafraid of trying new tools. The pandemic has caused a sudden pivot to digital service delivery for companies, charities and public services.

In theory, this should make the experience of adopting digital tools a straightforward shift. However, by ensuring that your senior leaders in your organisation are spearheading how these are adopted and their purpose, you can begin to build a strategic use of digital tools.
In order for an organisation to be successful at digital evolution, your whole team needs to be invested and involved in making the necessary changes. It’s important so that teams feel confident in using your chosen digital tools and one way of helping that to happen is through senior leaders mentoring staff and training your teams.
Find out more about how to easily implement digital evolution in your organisation
using our digital toolkit.