Community Shares Wales
All businesses need capital to start, to grow and to be sustainable. Community Shares Wales supports communities to create and invest in businesses serving a community purpose.

About us
Community Shares Wales Resilience Project is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund Wales and delivered by Cwmpas. We help communities raise investment to protect and strengthen the things that matter to them.
Why Community Shares
All businesses need capital to start, to grow and to be sustainable. Community shares are an ideal way for communities to invest in businesses serving a community purpose.
Our team is enthusiastic about community ownership and enjoy working with people across Wales to raise the capital they need to achieve a shared vision. If you need support, or would like to know more, please get in touch.
Support for community share schemes
We offer free support to people who want to set up a community share scheme, providing guidance on the key steps of:
- Engaging your community to find out what people need and who is willing to help,
- Making sure your legal structure allows you to raise funds through community shares,
- Writing your business plan to determine how much capital you are looking to raise, what you will do with the money and why it is needed,
- Writing your share offer document so people understand what you’re trying to do, why they should invest, and what return they are likely to get,
- Promoting your share offer so that everyone who might invest knows about the opportunity.

Our team is enthusiastic about community ownership and enjoy working with people across Wales to raise the capital they need to achieve a shared vision. If you need support, or would like to know more, please get in touch.
If you are based outside Wales and need support with your community share scheme, please visit the Community Shares webpage at Co-operative’s UK: Community Shares | Co-operatives UK
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