Cwmpas wins Gold. Again!

Cwmpas remains part of a distinguished club after again being awarded the prestigious Investors in People (IiP) Gold accreditation.

Over 50,000 organisations have been assessed by IIP in over 66 countries with only 26% achieving gold. Cwmpas was first awarded Gold in 2017.

How our evaluation team give projects a leg-up

At Cwmpas our evaluation team delivers both summative and formative evaluations for a wide range of organisations including Local Authorities, Health Boards, third sector groups and social enterprises. For Cwmpas and the team, it’s about supporting the project to make a difference. Can we help you evaluate a project or a grant? Get in touch with the team for a chat.

New Chair announced for Cwmpas

Cwmpas has announced Richard Hughes as its new Chair. Richard joined the board of Cwmpas in 2019, then the Wales Co-Operative Centre, after experiencing first-hand how the organisation successfully meets the needs of communities and social businesses across the country.