Gwasg Pia – our Employee Ownership Trust embodies everything we already live and breathe

Gwasg Pia, one of the UK’s leading independent accessible format providers, has transitioned into employee ownership (EO) from private ownership, nearly forty years after it was initially founded as a co-operative back in 1985.
Employee ownership is one of the fastest growing business succession models in the UK, boosting business resilience and profitability, and ensuring community and employee commitment.
The Welsh Government committed to doubling the number of employee-owned businesses in Wales by the end of this Senedd term – a target which has been achieved two years ahead of schedule.
Set up as a typesetting business designing and producing printing plates, Gwasg Pia changed direction to publish a braille handbook for a BBC Radio 4 programme, and later developed Braille Maker, the UK’s leading braille translation software.
Owner Sharon Williams has now decided that securing the company’s future lies becoming employee owned; a return to its roots in the cooperative movement. At 53, and with no plans to leave the business, she is keen to ensure the transition into employee ownership is properly cemented before looking to reduce her working hours or towards retirement – which she doesn’t foresee happening for many years to come.
Pia was supported throughout the process by the EO team at Cwmpas, who guided Sharon and the staff at Pia through the change of business structure and importantly on the change of mindset and approach needed in becoming employee-owners.
Sharon said:
“Employee ownership for Gwasg Pia as a business has always been a long-term ambition of mine, but I didn’t want to have to make that decision and make the changes at crisis point, when I wanted to retire.
“I feel the time is right for us to make the move to employee ownership now, so I can remain as managing director and let the new business model bed in properly, ensuring our management team and 45 staff members are fully on board with the new structure.
“We are a very niche business. We don’t have many competitors in this market so a trade sale would have been virtually impossible, something I realised at an early stage. We’re very proud of our core values around leading by example and contributing to society, and so if we were to be bought out by another print company, I also couldn’t be sure these values would continue.
“An employee trust embodies everything we already live and breathe here at Gwasg Pia, and is a nice way to get back to the roots of the business, which started as a cooperative in the mid-eighties. It’s the perfect solution for all.
“The EOT is a progressive business model for us all, rather than an exit plan for me personally.
“I want to thank Cwmpas for all the support with the transition too, from the start of the process to completing it – it has been seamless.”
Branwen Ellis, specialist Employee Ownership Consultant for Cwmpas, who worked on the transition with the team at Pia, said:
“It’s wonderful to see Pia return to its co-operative roots ensuring the ethos and values of the business are protected into the future. Pia is a very unique business and so becoming employee-owned was a perfect succession plan for them.”
One of Gwasg Pia’s employees, braille transcriber Craig Morgan, said of the move into Employee Ownership:
“It’s brilliant that Pia is now employee owned. This means we all get a piece of the action and can really feel like we’re part of something special. With everyone pulling in the same direction, we can share in the success and have a say in how things are run. This change is great for our future and makes Pia an even better place to work. Here’s to a bright and exciting future for all of us.”
Darwin Gray provided legal advice to Gwasg Pia on its employee ownership trust (EOT) transition.
On Employee Ownership Day in June last year, Jeremy Miles, then Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Language, said:
“Employee ownership delivers numerous benefits for employees and businesses alike, with evidence showing employee-owned businesses are more productive and more resilient. These are places rooted in their communities, providing quality, long-term jobs for the local area.”
Find out more about the Cwmpas Employee Ownership team here.