From the Hack of Kindness® you will be able to develop:
Fresh ideas and innovation for good
Community innovation
Experience of beneficiaries and service users
Practical co-design
Skills such as communication, pitching, problem solving, collaboration and creative thinking
Confidence and empowerment
Multiple ideas to solve problems in unison
Viability and understanding of barriers
Community benefit goals and actions
Community investment potential for bids
Harness the potential in your employees
Valuable intellectual property
“Hard to find words to describe how good the Hack of Kindness® was but here is one EPIC!”
“Thank you so much for organising such a great event. I can't believe how many amazing, well thought through ideas have been generated in such a short space of time!”
“The nature of the Hack of Kindness® allowed us to create lasting professional friendships within the social enterprise community.”
“PAVS consistently signpost groups to Cwmpas’s Hackathons and their other engaging sessions, as they add value to our own delivery and groups benefit hugely from their additional creative input”
“I’m a massive fan of your work and so admire why and what you are doing. This work is one of the few campaigns that will move the cog in the wheel”.
“My main take away is to not underestimate what a group of diverse people can come up with in short period of time that can make difference to society. I’m really looking forward to seeing how these ideas evolve.”
“An extraordinary group of people, diverse, thoughtful, energised, and importantly, all wanting to improve, well, everything. It was amazing. Great speakers, bonkers energy, fast-paced but it just made you think. It challenged the normal way of thinking and personally I loved it.”
“I really enjoyed being a part of the hackathon, to see people come together to create new ideas. The room was full of energy, and the ideas that came out of the hackathon really showed the possibility of change and creating positive change.”
Want to start something good?
Get in touch with our team today to find out more about the Hack of Kindness®