The Hack of Kindness® is typically a whole day session that brings people together to develop fresh ideas to solve problems they care about. This could be within communities, educational settings, businesses, public bodies or any type of organisation.
How could you use the Hack of Kindness®?

A problem or issue is identified for the Hack of Kindness® and objectives agreed. People who care about the issue or problem are invited to the event and given the relevant information to inspire and inform them ahead of the session.

A day of practical sessions focused on collaboration and generating fresh ideas. Working in diverse teams to identify the issues, do creative thinking and bring it together into a non-competitive pitch.

The team will write up the findings of the day, detail next steps for implementation and sign post for further engagement to make the ideas happen.

At Cwmpas we have a passionate, dedicated and experienced team that deliver the Hack of Kindness® and will support you through each stage of the process.

Martin is the creator of the Start Something Good® and the Hack of Kindness® and is a Fellow of the RSA. Martin has a background in business, community work, and publishing, and is an author and public speaker. He is the Learning and Development Consultant at Cwmpas. Before joining Cwmpas Martin ran a creative agency, and worked with individuals and organisations making an impact for good.

Paul has worked in the Welsh Third Sector for 20 years, working at both a grassroots level and on a pan-Wales approach to support communities to have more sustainable livelihoods using asset-based approaches. Having established two businesses in the past, Paul is an enthusiastic advocate for embedding enterprise, innovation and a digital culture to create a better society.

Sarah is the Commercial Director of Cwmpas and has previously worked as a principal manager in Local Government and a Senior Lecturer/Researcher at Wrexham Glyndwr University, leading several European research projects in the field of social enterprise and community development.

Gwenllian has 18 years experience as a strategic commercial marketer in the private and third sector. Gwenllian is passionate about delivering customer value and social value through collaboration and generating creative ideas.
Through working closely with social leaders and engaging with stakeholders, Gwenllian enjoys spotting opportunities and implementing positive change.

Get in touch with our team today to find out more about the Hack of Kindness®