Progress Report: Transforming Wales through Social Enterprise

Progress Report: Transforming Wales through Social Enterprise

In 2020, the Social Enterprise Stakeholder Group published its sector-led Vision and Action Plan: Transforming Wales through Social Enterprise. It celebrated the positive impact of the social enterprise model and set out the ambition to make social enterprise the business model of choice in Wales by 2030.  

This year, as we approach the midpoint, we are publishing a progress report, outlining what has been achieved since the publication of the Vision and Action Plan, the changing context within which it sits and our ambitions for the future. It outlines the steps taken towards ensuring a sector that is, and is ready to be, a key part of Wales’ future economic development. It also highlights that there is a still a long way to go and that further action is required to achieve the outcomes in the plan and build momentum behind the ambition that it will be the business model of choice by 2030. 

Download a PDF of the report here

Now more and ever Wales needs the social enterprise sector and its triple bottom line model that embeds sustainability, resilience and well-being in our local economies. The sector can be hugely proud of the local impact it is already having and we are passionate about its future potential to change more lives in communities across Wales.  

If you are interested in working with us to achieve our ambition, please get in touch via and we would be delighted to discuss.  

The Social Enterprise Stakeholder Group is a multi-member consortium and partnership of organisations support the social enterprise sector in Wales and includes Cwmpas, the WCVA, Social Firms Wales, UnLtd and DTA Wales.