Our statement of intent on equity, diversity and inclusion

We live in a society full of inequalities, oppression and discrimination, some so deeply ingrained that many of us hardly notice them. Cwmpas has always taken Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) seriously, but now we are taking steps to deepen our understanding of how society creates and perpetuates privilege and oppression.
To coincide with National Inclusion Week 2022, Cwmpas has published its Statement of Intent on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
National Inclusion Week (NIW) is a week dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces. Founded by Inclusive Employers, National Inclusion Week is now in its 10th year. Last year’s National Inclusion Week theme, #UnitedForInclusion, connected 60 million people to celebrate diversity and inclusion. For National Inclusion Week 2022, the organisers want to progress that unity to become action, which is why this year’s National Inclusion Week theme is ‘Time to Act: The Power of Now’.
The theme of National Inclusion Week reflects the approach of Cwmpas. We are committed to all aspects of anti-oppression and anti-discrimination practice. We want to be an organisation that doesn’t pay lip service but actively works to make a difference and bring about change. This means some uncomfortable challenging of our processes, culture and behaviours because, although we have always had fairness and equity at our heart, we know we have more to do. We will pay close attention to the demands of Welsh Government’s Anti-racist Wales Action Plan and play our part in making Wales an ant-racist nation.
Click here to read the full Statement of Intent on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.