SBW Network – A social business directory for Wales

Join us at this session to help develop ideas for a social business directory for Wales.
We would like to find out how an online directory could help profile your business and help customers find you, whether they are corporate buyers, commissioners or individual customers.
We know businesses and public bodies want to increase their social value by buying from social and local businesses, so lets help them find you.
You might also want to connect with other social businesses on joint projects or across your sector.
We may form a small group that trials the directory eventually.
Our networks are a friendly space to meet social entrepreneurs and hear sector news or you might want to ask the network for support with something.
For any questions or if you can’t attend but would like to share your ideas or want follow up information, please contact
This session will be delivered in English but we welcome your contributions in Welsh, please let us know on registering so we can book translation in time.
For any questions or suggestions please contact