Our Accreditations
Our vision is that our economy and society should work differently, putting people and planet first.

We are proud that our commitments to achieving this vision have been independently recognised and validated by external awarding bodies such as:
Disability Confident
Since 2016 we have been an accredited Disability Confident Employer, meaning that we are taking action to improve how we recruit, retain and develop disabled people.
Living Wage
Since 2016 we have been accredited as a Living Wage Employer – we are committed to paying wages which meet every day needs, and in turn creating a more equal and more prosperous Wales.
Investors in People
We have held an Investors in People accreditation since 2014, and in 2017 we achieved the Gold award, affirming that we lead, support and develop our people to a high standard. We are continuing our commitment to our people and are working hard to obtain Platinum status in the future.
White Ribbon
We achieved White Ribbon accreditation in 2022, showing that we are committed to ending male violence against women and girls.
HR Awards
Our People and Culture team were winners of the 2020 Wales HR Awards in the category of ‘Best use of the Welsh Language’, demonstrating our commitment to the Welsh language in the workplace.
Our wonderful Head of People and Culture was a winner of the 2021 Wales HR Awards in the category of ‘Outstanding HR Professional’, beating many other credible candidates and demonstrating the importance we place on people at Cwmpas.
Our People and Culture team were also Highly Commended at the CIPD Wales Awards 2021 in the category of ‘Best Health and Wellbeing Initiative’, demonstrating our commitment to health and wellbeing throughout the pandemic and beyond.
Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials is a scheme designed by Government and Industry to protect organisations against the most common cyber threats, and also to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data stored on devices which connect to the internet such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, servers etc. We hold the Cyber Essentials (Plus) mark and are proud to demonstrate our commitment to cyber security.
IASME is a Governance standard based on international best practice which includes aspects such as physical security, staff awareness and data backup. It is recognised by the UK Government as the best cyber security standard for small companies. We hold IASME accreditation which includes the Cyber Essentials assessment within it, and also includes an assessment against the requirements of the 2018 General Data Protection Regulations
Green Dragon
We are playing a role in sustaining the planet for future generations. We first achieved the Level 2 Green Dragon Environmental Management Standard in 2014, and since then we have increased our efforts, resulting in achieving Level 3 in 2021. Administered by Groundwork Wales, this standard shows we are committed to understanding our environmental responsibilities and taking action to manage our environmental impacts.