Community ownership of local assets
Enabling the delivery of community-led housing in Wales

This discussion paper has been produced by the Communities Creating Homes programme at Cwmpas, Wales’ only community-led housing hub.
The purpose of the paper is to stimulate thinking and discussion on community ownership of land and assets in Wales, which will lead to the delivery of more affordable community-led housing for people in need.

What is Community-led Housing?
Community-led housing can come in a variety of forms, but fundamentally it refers to the practice of communities taking a leading role in providing their own housing solutions – whether that is through building a new property or taking over existing properties and converting them into affordable housing that meets communities needs now and for future generations.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach and community-led housing can be adapted to best suit a community. The aim is to give people more control of where they live to achieve a shared goal.