Digital Confidence Denbighshire

Digital Confidence Denbighshire

Up to 9% of the population of Denbighshire are not online, compared to a national average of 7%.

This means there are citizens who don’t have the access (because of a lack of a device or poor or non-existent connectivity), skills or confidence to use digital technology. Approximately 22% of the population lack skills in at least one of the 5 areas of basic digital skills. Access to many essential services, including health, is now online, so many people in Denbighshire are unable to access basic services because they are digitally excluded.

This project, which is funded through the Shared Prosperity Fund, is actively increasing levels of digital inclusion in Denbighshire. The aim is to break down barriers hindering residents from engaging in employment and education by offering them a suite of direct digital inclusion interventions.

This includes:

  • Personalized Digital Support: Offering one-on-one digital inclusion assistance within the community. This encompasses basic digital skills, access to public services, and digital health literacy, aligning with the launch of the NHS Wales app.
  • Digital Inclusion Training Opportunities: Providing training sessions at community venues, featuring drop-in support and courses to enhance digital inclusion skills.
  • Referral Services: Directing individuals to relevant employability and further education services.

This initiative is benefiting individuals in Denbighshire who find themselves digitally excluded due to factors such as:

  • Skills and Basic Digital Literacy
  • Financial Constraints: Addressing poverty-related challenges, including the inability to afford access to technology, hindering online interactions with services like banking and energy suppliers.
  • Geographic Limitations: Tackling issues arising from limited or no 4G or broadband connectivity.
  • Healthcare Access
  • Social Isolation and Loneliness

This inclusive approach is targeted towards:

  • Older people
  • People with disabilities or long-term health conditions
  • People who are financially excluded
  • People with lower educational attainment
  • People in rural areas
  • Welsh speakers and others who do not use English as a first language.
  • Socially isolated and lonely people
  • Homeless people

We offer a range of drop-in sessions, workshops, and essential skills courses. Recent delivery has included sessions on online safety, shopping safely online, history and reminiscence, job-seeking, online health and wellbeing resources, basic tablet and computer familiarisation and social media awareness.

We work with social housing, the local authority, libraries, the third sector and any groups that have a digital inclusion need. We deliver training at community venues and can set up bespoke courses to meet your digital inclusion needs.

For more information or to get involved, feel free to get in touch.

Together, let’s build a digitally inclusive Denbighshire.


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See what people are saying about us:

Mair, Denbigh

Mair has attended multiple digital drop-in sessions and workshops since January 2024. By April, she felt comfortable enough to join our Essential Digital Skills Course at Denbigh Hwb, which she completed and was given a certificate for. Here is what Mair had to say about her experience being supported by us at Digital Confidence Denbighshire.

Virginia, Rhyl

Virginia first joined us at our Digital Cafe in Denbigh Hwb, where she learned the basics of being safer online. She then attended workshops on Exploring the Digital World, where we discovered how to find entertainment and historical information using Google and YouTube, which led her to another workshop to learn more about Online Safety. This is what Virginia had to say about her experience being supported by us at Digital Confidence Denbighshire.

Jim, Prestatyn

Jim joined a few of our Essential Digital Skills Course sessions that were held in Prestatyn, but also attended further digital drop-in support from our trainers alongside this. He already had a smartphone, but didn’t know how to make the most of it before our support. This is what Jim had to say about his experience being supported by us at Digital Confidence Denbighshire.

Sian, Project Co-ordinator at Hwb Pentredwr

Sian talks to us about the Digital drop-in sessions that we have been delivering in Hwb Pentredwr. Pentredwr is a small rural community outside of Llangollen. Members of the community have come along to these sessions to seek support and guidance on digital skills. We will be continuing our monthly drop in at the community centre to continue to support locals.

Essential Digital Skills Course – completed attendees:

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The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK, investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit: