We are working to increase the proportion of the economy made up by social enterprises, co-operatives and employee-owned businesses
We are working to advance social justice by increasing access, equity, diversity and participation
We are working in co-operation with people and organisations to take action for social good
How we create impact
Our friendly team of advisers can offer expert help and support across a wide range of areas, from co-operative and social enterprise support to digital inclusion.
What people are saying

Join us for our event tomorrow online, brining social entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs together to learn and network. We’ll have talks from Tom Addiscott (Down to Zero) and Peter Johnson (Platfform). 🎟️ https://t.co/Nhb1hibsws https://t.co/uBVLKo4vHf

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer ein digwyddiad ar-lein yfory, sy’n dod ag entrepreneuriaid cymdeithasol ac entrepreneuriaid uchelgeisiol at ei gilydd i ddysgu a rhwydweithio. Byddwn yn cael sgyrsiau gan Tom Addiscott (Down to Zero) a Peter Johnson (Platfform). 🎟️ https://t.co/f9e44WhXYe https://t.co/fum2VAF8wT

📍 Join us in Bridgend next Wednesday evening for an interactive session on running a social enterprise and learn more about the Community Asset Transfer process. With expert speaker David Brooks of @socialbizwales 🎟️: https://t.co/jGAa8SdS8w https://t.co/yPL1xNXW80

📍 Ymunwch â ni ym Mhen-y-bont nos Fercher nesaf i gael sesiwn ryngweithiol ar redeg menter gymdeithasol a dysgu mwy am y broses Trosglwyddo Asedau Cymunedol. Gyda'r siaradwr arbenigol David Brooks o @socialbizwales 🎟️: https://t.co/4OPEFUpRui https://t.co/7X1qnrNfD7

📍Thinking about starting a community enterprise? Curious about community-led housing or running a community pub? 🔔Join us in Anglesey for an informal chat and explore how Perthyn can support your ideas. Our team is here to help - whether it’s facilitating ideation sessions, https://t.co/OdiflvBEwX

📍Meddwl am ddechrau menter gymunedol? Yn chwilfrydig am dai dan arweiniad y gymuned neu redeg tafarn gymunedol? 🔔Ymunwch â ni yn Ynys Môn i gael trafodaeth anffurfiol ac archwilio sut y gall Perthyn gefnogi eich syniadau. Mae ein tîm yma i helpu – boed yn hwyluso sesiynau https://t.co/R4BsBvHd5w

Join us for our event tomorrow online, brining social entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs together to learn and network. We’ll have talks from Tom Addiscott (Down to Zero) and Peter Johnson (Platfform). 🎟️ https://t.co/Nhb1hibsws https://t.co/uBVLKo4vHf

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer ein digwyddiad ar-lein yfory, sy’n dod ag entrepreneuriaid cymdeithasol ac entrepreneuriaid uchelgeisiol at ei gilydd i ddysgu a rhwydweithio. Byddwn yn cael sgyrsiau gan Tom Addiscott (Down to Zero) a Peter Johnson (Platfform). 🎟️ https://t.co/f9e44WhXYe https://t.co/fum2VAF8wT

📍 Join us in Bridgend next Wednesday evening for an interactive session on running a social enterprise and learn more about the Community Asset Transfer process. With expert speaker David Brooks of @socialbizwales 🎟️: https://t.co/jGAa8SdS8w https://t.co/yPL1xNXW80

📍 Ymunwch â ni ym Mhen-y-bont nos Fercher nesaf i gael sesiwn ryngweithiol ar redeg menter gymdeithasol a dysgu mwy am y broses Trosglwyddo Asedau Cymunedol. Gyda'r siaradwr arbenigol David Brooks o @socialbizwales 🎟️: https://t.co/4OPEFUpRui https://t.co/7X1qnrNfD7

📍Thinking about starting a community enterprise? Curious about community-led housing or running a community pub? 🔔Join us in Anglesey for an informal chat and explore how Perthyn can support your ideas. Our team is here to help - whether it’s facilitating ideation sessions, https://t.co/OdiflvBEwX

📍Meddwl am ddechrau menter gymunedol? Yn chwilfrydig am dai dan arweiniad y gymuned neu redeg tafarn gymunedol? 🔔Ymunwch â ni yn Ynys Môn i gael trafodaeth anffurfiol ac archwilio sut y gall Perthyn gefnogi eich syniadau. Mae ein tîm yma i helpu – boed yn hwyluso sesiynau https://t.co/R4BsBvHd5w