Shared Prosperity Fund
Find out how you can access Cwmpas support within your region

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion across the UK, of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.
The overarching objective of the Fund is:
Building pride in place and increasing life chances
The UKSPF aims to achieve this through three investment priorities:
- Community & Place;
- Supporting Local Business; and,
- People & Skills (including adult numeracy)
How to access Cwmpas support in your area
Funding has been allocated to councils and regions to deliver our services across Wales, including direct social enterprise mentoring and support, employee ownership development, and much more.
You can find what specific services are available in your region from the Shared Prosperity Fund below.
Click your region below to find out what support is available in your area:
Cwmpas aims to build the social economy in Powys through the provision of targeted business support for pre-start, new start and existing social businesses, offering specialised support to new, start up and existing social businesses in Powys.
This will be delivered by a social business adviser who will work with individual businesses to support them to:
- Develop and incorporate their businesses (if required)
- Review and assess business models and governance.
- Develop growth strategies through visioning and business planning.
- Support with financial and marketing planning
- Mentoring
Cwmpas will also:
- Facilitate regional networking for social businesses across Mid Wales in person and online events and workshops.
- Promote growth opportunities from within Mid Wales in areas such as funding, procurement and supply chains, new trends and business opportunities via online updates and webinars.
- Act as a link between the local authority and the social business sector in Powys
Cwmpas will be providing the provision of specialist business and consultancy support and market development activity to enhance the delivery capacity of Social Business Wales (SBW) and support social businesses in Caerphilly to start up and grow, Additionally supporting SME business owners to consider employee ownership as a suitable succession option.
Through Caerphilly County Borough, we will provide;
- Social enterprise development and support activities including direct social business support, additional consultancy support where required and market development interventions.
- Employee ownership development support including direct business support, specialist support for tax and valuations and market development interventions.
This project will deliver social business and employee ownership support in Gwynedd and the Isle of Anglesey.
Provision of specialist consultancy support and market development activity across Anglesey and Gwynedd.
Offering specialised consultancy support (in areas such as HR, Tax, Finance etc) and market development activity designed to support the sector to grow through networking, offering training and events on themes such as access to finance, digital, marketing and promoting local authority grant and support schemes.
Additionally, promoting employee ownership to businesses in Gwynedd to further anchor them to the communities that they serve. This is particularly important within more rural areas to ensure that we don’t lose well established employers who could cease trading due to lack of succession planning or being sold out of area through a trade sale.
Project delivery will be undertaken by Cwmpas. Cwmpas has extensive experience of supporting social businesses in North-West Wales and has had success in developing and supporting employee ownership in Gwynedd.
Please visit the dedicated Carmarthenshire Shared Prosperity Fund page for more information
Please visit the dedicated Denbighshire Shared Prosperity Fund page for more information